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Experiencing Sound Books

Tools for the Awakening to the New Humanity.


Experiencing Sound is a practice of Conscious Listening.
The Human Body is a delicate sound box of energetic resonance and the voice is the audible manifestation of its most profound part (beyond Consciousness).

When an emotion invades us, but meet a conflict, the voice changes tonality, instantly revealing the dis-harmonic frequency in which the higher (energetic) part of our Body is vibrating. Every emotion that is not a sense of Gratitude is a memory (energetic tie) that can be unburden.

The Experiencing Sound Books contain channeled frequencies texts that works at the level of the unconscious. They are an instrument of conscious meditation and self-healing for those who wish to practice in-depth knowledge of their Inner Self.

Each theme stems from a personal experience of the author, whose sharing becomes an offer to the Collective Resonance.

Handcrafted by the author and available both in Italian and English version.
This project is looking for an editor and/or distribution.
The didactic books are available in epub version on Amazon store for Kindle.

Write to Me for more informations or to order them.

Booklets for Self-Healing practice

ESB1S | The Words Unspoken
to let go a Relationship, 
and turn suffering into Love.
Format: paper 10 × 14 cm | 16 pages | 2019 | ENG



ESB1 | Le Cose Mal Dette
Preghiera per lasciare andare una relazione e Trasformarla in Amore. 
Formato: carta 10 × 14 cm | 16 pages | 2019 | ITA
ESB2 | Per Dono
LiberarSi dal legame col Sentirsi Incompresi.
Formato: carta 10 × 14 cm | 16 pages | 2021 | ITA


ESB2S | For Give
Free YourSelf from the bond of feeling unappreciated
Format: paper 10 × 14 cm | 16 pages | 2021 | ENG
Feedback! Amazing experience!
It took about 10 days, I reread it 3 times after 3 days, plus a 4th to see if everything was okay. At the first reading I felt a certain resistance to start because I had the feeling of not wanting to let go of that deep pain, as if I was jealous of it, and depriving myself of it was like letting go of the subject it was addressed to, and I didn’t want to.
But then I started and the crying tool was perfect to let that energy flow, and with each sentence I felt that it was taking away the weight but not the feeling, and I began to feel better! Ahhh, what a liberation !!! (…)
And I would not like to expand too much, but I think I have solved a problem of emotional dependence: and you say little? “
Monica (57 years old)

Didactic titles 

This is a Volume that speaks of Me. 

This is a Book that Speaks of You. 

This is What travels inter nos (between us) and Makes us Aware of Being United Parts of what is commonly called Humanity.

Listen to it Well. 

Welcome it. 

And everything Flows.

ESB3S | You Are Now
Awakening Consciousness to Be part of the Unity.
Format: paper 10 × 14 cm | 48 pages | 2018 | ENG

epub version for Kindle on Amazon



Questo è un Volume che Parla di Me.

Questo è un Libro che Parla di Te.

Questo è Ciò che viaggia inter nos 
e ci Rende Consapevoli di Essere Parti Unite 
di ciò che viene comunemente chiamata Umanità.

Ascoltalo Bene.


E tutto Fluisce.

 ESB3 | Tu Sei Adesso

Risvegliare la Coscienza ad Essere parte dell’Unità. 
Formato: carta 10 × 14 cm | 48 pages | 2018 | ITA

version epub per Kindle su Amazon

Questo è un libro per alcune persone soltanto.

Questo è un Insegnamento.

Questo è il Centro di Ciò che Stai cercando in Te.

ESB2 | Essere Umani
Un Insegnamento Iniziatico.
Formato: carta 10 × 14 cm | 40 pages | 2020 | ITA

versione epub per Kindle su Amazon


This is a book for some people only. 

This is a Teaching. 

This is the Center of What You Are Searching in You.

ESB2S | Being Human
An Initiatory Teaching.
Format: paper 10 × 14 cm | 40 pages | 2020 | ENG

epub version for Kindle on Amazon

How to order the handcrafted paper version

Click the yellow button Paypal Donate and provide the necessary data:

  • Specify the amount you what to offer as payment;
  • Specify the title of the book or the reference code (es. ESB1);
  • Write the address where you want to receive it: check the box “share your mailing address” (and if you use a card instead of a Paypal account, use the Billing address field to enter the shipping address).

You can choose to pay via Paypal account or the cards listed below.
The booklet is not accompanied by a receipt because it is not an ISBN registered book, therefore do not give the billing address but only the shipping address.
Shipping times are those by ordinary postal service.