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Meditation of Cardinals  |  Meditazione dei Punti Cardinali

Meditation of Cardinals | Meditazione dei Punti Cardinali

versione italiano The beginning of the Year is always a very precious moment of RECEIVING, and this year, as the other, I share with you what I’ve been gifted with. I tried and tested the power of visualizing this geometric shape: after 20 minutes you feel more...
Tao Breathing | Respirazione del Tao

Tao Breathing | Respirazione del Tao

versione italiano This is an exercise that helps lungs and abdomen’s flexibility. I love to do it lying down, in the warm of the bed at the wake up in the morning, and in the evening before closing my eyes to sleep. It’s named Tao Breathing because it...

About Success and Failure.

My Beloved, the Possibility of Embracing Life is Always Studded with very Many very difficult Choices. This means that, when we are in front of one of These, the Whole of Our Being comes into Play and Applies for the resolution of the “problems” – as...


A My Dear One since I could Met Perfection, Freedom spread out of It. Since I quitted Perfection, rarely all found its place. But This Is the Meaning of the Duality, into which Being Human takes action. Do not quest more than this about it, simply Feel both sides and...
Alchemic Meditation | Meditazione Alchemica

Alchemic Meditation | Meditazione Alchemica

Meditazione Alchemica per Essere nella Presenza (Unità). Roma, 02-01-2019 Quando pensiamo al Corpo Umano tutto ci appare molto più chiaramente qualora lo rapportiamo con gli Elementi che compongono l’ambiente che lo circonda. Anche nel Corpo Fisico sono presenti gli...